Saturday, January 25, 2025

The clove is a tree native to the Moluccas Islands, Indonesia, whose scientific name is Syzygium aromaticu, belonging to the family Myrtaceae. It is a large tree, reaching 12 to 15 m height and its vegetative cycle reaches more than a hundred years, with oval, smooth and shiny leaves, 5 to 12 cm, with reddish flowers, grouped at the end of the branches.

Earliest reference about the cloves appeared in Chinese writings during the Han dynasty (266 b.C to 220 a.C.), about the habit of chewing the cloves before somebody talk to the Emperor, to improve his breath.

With the introduction of clove in South America, Bahia stands out because it is practically the only state to produce this spice, especially in Southern Bahia (Valença, Taperoá, Nilo Peçanha, Ituberá, Camamu and Presidente Tancredo Neves).

It is estimated that there are 8,000 hectares of area planted with cloves, an average annual production of 4,000,000 tons a year.

It is a cultivation of great socioeconomic importance for the producing municipalities, since the majority of the farmers are small producers. Its commercial value product is the dehydrated flower widely used in Brazilian and international cuisine, medicine, perfumery and cosmetics.
Agrospice offers cloves for the national and international market, according to the standards of quality and quantity desired by the clients, all according to the legislation that guides this spice.
Clove is marketed in the qualities of HPS / CGI, CG2 Premium, CG2 / B1 and CG3 / FAQ. Our standard of quality is equivalent to international market standards, always seeking to satisfy our customers.

With a strategic and privileged location, we work with select suppliers, rigor in the selection of the product and professionalism in the preparation and processing, in order to provide excellent merchandise with high microbiological quality.


Indonesia is the main consumer of cloves, responsible for more than 50% of the world production, followed by Madagascar and Brazil. The main use of this spice, however, is not in the cuisine, but in the production of clove-flavored cigarettes, to the point of asserting that the whole country, by virtue of this habit, seems to be odorized by the soft and characteristic aroma of clove.

The main customer of the Brazilian clove and promoter of the expansion of its participation in foreign trade was Singapore. The second importer of Brazilian clove is the United Arab Emirates, followed by Pakistan, Mexico and India and the United States. Brazilian exports to the Asian countries correspond to almost 50% of the sale of cloves to the international market.

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