Spices |
Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is a climbing plant native to India and introduced in Brazil in the seventeenth century by the Japanese. It is the most important spice marketed worldwide and is widely used as a condiment.
According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the Brazilian production of black pepper, when there is no unforeseen climate, is around 40,000 tons per year, the states of Pará, Espírito Santo and Bahia account for 75%, 15 % and 9%, respectively, of domestic production, of which 85% of annual production is exported.
The black pepper harvest in Brazil occurs from August to October in Pará and July in Espirito Santo, and may vary in cases of climate change. To identify a quality pepper, just check whether it is white or light inside and its density. In this condition, it retains all its oils, and is a guarantee of a good seasoning and a fantastic natural preservative.
We provide a highly competitive pepper in the national and international market, with attractive prices and grains quality. With affiliates of the company in São Mateus-ES and Castanhal-PA, in addition to select suppliers in the producing states of the country, Agrospice offers the black pepper in the ASTA, B1, B2 and white pepper qualities.
Classes |
Types |
Humidity (% Max) |
Ether Extract (% min) |
Impurities and Strange Matters (% max) |
Sears Grains (% max) |
Moldy Grains (% max) |
Density Min. (g/l) |
Black |
Brasil Asta |
14,0 |
6,75 |
1,0 |
2,0 |
1,0 |
560 |
Brasil 1 |
14,0 |
6,75 |
2,0 |
5,0 |
2,0 |
540 |
Brasil 2 |
14,0 |
6,75 |
5,0 |
25,0 |
2,0 |
500 |
In addition to offering quality black pepper and the desired standards, the process is done with rigor and professionalism, in order to avoid any possibility of contamination, besides an unconstrained microbiological quality.
The packaging of the merchandise is done according to the customer''s requirement, meeting the pre-established standards in the legislation, with uniform and standardized batches.
On the world stage, India lost the position of the world''s largest exporter of black pepper to Vietnam. The fall in Indian exports is due to the combined effect of population growth, low prices and changes in consumption patterns, leading to domestic consumption increased from 40,000 to 45,000 ton per year. India currently produces around 50,000 tons per year.
Exports of Vietnam black pepper showed a growing trend during the 1990s, when the country became the largest producer / exporter of black pepper.
Brazil has been consolidating with one of the largest producers of black pepper on the world. Most of the pepper produced in the country is destined for the foreign market, with the main buyers being the United States, Germany, the Netherlands and Argentina. Currently Brazil''s pepper production is around 40,000 ton per year, behind only the production / export of Vietnam and India.
Indonesia also stands out with pepper, which has a production around 30,000 ton per year, with the main producing region of Sumatra. Indonesia is characterized as the world''s largest producer of white pepper, beating black pepper, concentrating on Bangka this production.
Since 1997, Malaysia has been growing in its main producing region of Sarawak, favored by good weather conditions and the expansion of plantations in 1998. Currently, it has an annual production of 13,000 t / year, behind Indonesia''s production.
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